We have in our hands the most powerful business model available. This has been proven over and over again by the massive results we are seeing. But sometimes, we forget how easy the business is and are challenged by lead generation. This too, should be easy and my goal here is to keep it that way. My commitment is simple, "I will provide you easy access to every method and tool I find, for you to use and grow your businesses". We will keep our business simple so we can enjoy the amazing results we came here to have.

Liberty Conference 2008

Big Announcement

Did you hear???? Everything is now available in Spanish. The Beyond Freedom, Presentation Calls and Training Calls. Next - French!

Isn't It Time You Took Action To Change Your Life Forever?

21 April 2008

Negative Advertising - Does it Work?

I really never thought I would have to put this into writing. I actually assumed that everyone using the Internet understood this. But hey, I am a big thinker, I do not spend my time thinking about or sweating the small stuff. Until it came to my attention how harmful this is to the real business marketers out there and how silly it is for this to even be an issue.

So what is it? It is Negative Advertising on the Internet or Using Search results against others for ones own greed.

A couple of years ago, I took an Internet marketing class, although it was basically a waste of my time, there is one thing which really stands out from that class.

We were taught "when advertising on the Internet, find something that is really hot and connect your keywords to it" to generate more traffic and greater results. The example we primarily used was "who is hot in entertainment". For example, if Britney Spears is in the news, use her as a keyword and link your site and your ad to anyone who is searching for information on her.

Well, at the time, I thought it was silly and actually unethical, so I never used that technique. After all, people searching for Britney would never be looking for a way to improve themselves or even a home based business.

But today, I find this tactic is being so badly misused in Internet Search Marketing. Google any legitimate business or person and what you will find is paid advertising, ads that blast or slam the company only to bring attention to another company.

I find this especially true in home based businesses, but don't just take my word for it. Google any legitimate business, businesses where people are having amazing success and results and see for yourself what those with no ethics are doing.

You will find things like "Why I did not join", Why I quit", "This is a scam" and the disgusting antics go on and on and on. The idea of "get on the bandwagon of something popular" is unfortunately, very effective in internet advertising.

Most Internet marketers would NEVER pay any attention to ads such as this. Marketers know these people are just using unethical approaches to ride the tide of success of other legitimate marketers. But the inexperienced public does NOT know this. Unfortunately they believe what these guys are saying. All they really have to do is click on the ads and see that it is actually an ad for another company. Duh! How hard is this to figure out??

Why do you think their advertising always slams the other guy? If the other guy is hot, then jump on the bandwagon. That is all they are doing, is jumping on the bandwagon of success. Making a disgusting attempt to legitimise themselves by disenfranchising the real marketer.

So, what do I suggest? Do your homework. Talk to people who are ACTUALLY involved in the opportunity so see what they think. Talk to the Attorney General of the listed home state, talk to the Association of Home Business, talk to the State Incorporation offices, talk to Dun and Bradstreet, they will tell you all you need to know. BUT, do not listen to unethical, sleazy people who do not know how to advertise without slamming another company.

Anyway, why would ANYONE want to get started with a business who bases it's advertising on slamming other businesses? That would certainly be a red flag to me and businesses started with this technique are surely going to have little success. It is the law of nature, the Law of Reciprocity". In fact, I would be more inclined to join the company being slammed, because from experience, I know, "they must be on to something".

And one more thing I absolutely must add here...

Adults have to be responsible for their own results in life. If someone fails at any business opportunity, it is because THEY failed. Either they did not follow the already proven systems (reinventing the wheel), or they were waiting for someone else to do the work for them, or maybe even they never expected to succeed anyway. I truly believe this is why most failures occur, there was never a level of expectation for success. Any business started from hoping, wishing and wanting is doomed. Businesses started from knowing success is imminent will greatly succeed.

You should also trust your feelings in these cases as well. If a product feels right, if it is hot, if it is cutting edge, and if others are having success, then there is no reason why you can not as well as long as you are willing to do the work. Everyone is on equal playing field. Some take an opportunity and run with it and others look for excuses why it will not succeed.

So get out there and find what you are looking for, but stay away from paid advertising slamming your company and let those who are practicing this know, it DOES NOT WORK FOR YOU!

To your success...

I encourage anyone who is seriously looking for a real opportunity with powerful compensation, give me a call or contact me via the form on any of my websites.

Post Your Site on Our Blog

Team members are encouraged to post any and all websites they use for marketing their business on the blog. This blog gets good exposure in the blog community, so any links or ads you post will be seen and produce traffic.

Just send the information to ME and I will put it on the site. This is good, free advertising for you.

Also, any tools you would like to post, send to me as well.

We are here to support you and assist you.


18 April 2008

Did You Get this?

Last night, John laid out plans on how you can put millions in the bank within the next 3-5 years and then retire on a million dollar per year residual income. Yes, I did said millions. John talked about someone he recently talked with who could not comprehend what it would be like to have $20,000 per month and how small that thinking is. He stresses how important it is we grasp the enormity of this business, that we have not even gotten off the launchpad yet with the income we can create. The current record of $175,000 in one month is NOTHING compared to what we will see in 1, 2 and 3 years and eveyone is on equal ground.

GET THIS.... what is this business? It is only about helping other people to have absolute freedom and change lives. Decide today how many lives you are going to change, set some real goals and KNOW that anything you strive for you can have here. There is NOTHING else out there as powerful as this. Open your mind, grasp it, get excited and just go for whatever it is you really want.

We are changing the World! In many businesses, it takes hundreds and hundreds of people just to make a laughable $20,000 per month. Here, 100 people is over a million a year (only $83,000 per month), that is so very attainable here.

Give me a call, I am here to assist you.

10 April 2008

I Want You To Know What You Have Here

Do you get it, I mean REALLY GET IT? The people you hear on the training calls and the people you meet at the events are real people, just like you and me. I know it is hard to get your head around some of the numbers you hear. But normal, everyday people are making phenomenal amounts of money. Not just $30,000, $40,000 per month, but $100,000 and more per MONTH. Just log into your back office and check it out for yourself.

This is a million dollar (+) per year opportunity. What you do with it is entirely up to you and your mindset. If you have a $50,000 per year mindset and expectation, then you will leave $950,000 on the table.

Liberty League is so incredibly real and is about to explode at a level you can not even imagine. WHY? Because people all over the world are hating their jobs! They are tired of their cubicle lives, they know they have something more inside of them. They are miserable and we have the way out. This is exactly why so many people around the world are jumping in. This is how people are coming in here and putting thousands of dollars in their pockets within just a few weeks and months. Take Rachel in Australia. In the business for less than a year and already made $350,000 the first 3 months of 2008. And it does not matter where you are.

Get what you came here to get. Sure, it is not really about the money. You can give it all away for all I care. But your life can be a lot different when you have choices.

So, let's roll! There is NO REASON why everyone on our team cannot make at least $250,000 this year. Everyone is on equal playing field here. Don't be around the business, be IN the business.

BE IN THE GAME! You can NEVER WIN by being on the sideline!


To Your Success...

09 April 2008

CEO Pay from Home - Is It Really Possible?

First of all, what is CEO pay? If you scan the internet, you can find the salaries of CEOs. Most are in the area of $150,000 per year upwards to millions per year. I think we will all agree that basically, CEO compensation is pretty high and the benefit packages are usually quite impressive. But why is that? Simply said, CEOs take on a tremendous amount of responsibility in leading a corporation. They are people who have taken specific action to get them to a level of command in their industry and in their lives. To a degree, they sound like Entrepreneurs.

If you research the Home Based Business industry, you will find there are many people who fall into this level of success. People who have taken action and are reaping the results of their actions. This is a common trait of anyone who is successful. “Successful people are willing to do things that unsuccessful people are not willing to do”.

But, before you go rolling your eyes or assuming you have to do something bad or unethical, hear me out!

There are just a few things that successful people are willing to do that greatly affect their level of success and primarily, the thing is to Step Out Of Their Comfort Zone.

For anyone who is willing to step out of the things they are most comfortable in and do things that make them uncomfortable, the chances of making a CEO payscale greatly improve.

So ask yourself, what makes you uncomfortable about your home based business?

· Marketing? Well, that’s easy, there are many people available to teach you how to be an effective and powerful marketer

· Selling? Then find a business model that does the selling for you.

· Calling People? Make sure you have a script to follow and people who will model the process for you by making live calls for you to listen to.

· Talking to your friends? I’m with you on this one, I had to find a business where I did not have to call or approach my friends. This is not necessary to have huge success from home.

· Websites? Your business should have the tools available to have websites already available for you to use.

· Oh, here we go…. It’s MONEY! This is the biggy. I really can’t help you here, because I will not tell you money is not necessary to succeed from home. What I will tell you is… If you are looking to make a huge amount of money, it is going to take one of two things. It will either take a long time to build a highly profitable business on small profit margins or it will take investing into a product line with a huge compensation model. Personally, I chose the latter. I realized I could make money a lot faster at $1000 profit per sale than I could at $20 profit per sale. I saw spending a small amount of money as a real investment opportunity and a very small price to pay to have a real business with a real potential.

So I took the action necessary to create a large income. It comes down to the deciding factor of why some people succeed and others do not. Some see the cost getting a business started and weigh it against their results of the past and the things they have done in the past that were comfortable.

Others, like me, see it as stepping out of the box, doing what is necessary to succeed and taking the action to make it happen. This is exactly why some people have CEO level pay from home and others do not.

So if you are looking to make a CEO level income from home, you will find that everyone who is doing so, were willing to take action in these areas and any other that may be uncomfortable for them. But does it take a great deal of money?

NO!!! Look at the comparisons of some franchises and what they cost. Of course my feelings are that buying a franchise is like buying a job…. But that is another article….

Franchises usually cost anywhere from $100k to $1 Million to start and the time for turning profit is normally 3-6 years. Not to mention working 60 hours per week or more.

There are businesses from home that cost under $20k to start full out and you can virtually be in a place of profit in a couple months! That is the route I chose. Plus, the time I work my business is less than 20 hours per week!

If you really want this level of success, then go out and make it happen. I will gladly assist anyone who is serious.

08 April 2008

Getting Ready for Hawaii

Rome and the Summit Conference are behind us and eventhough it was an amazing event, it is time to get ready for the Liberty Conference. July 10-12 we will be in the beautiful Hilton Hawaiian Village in Waikiki. This is a premier resort as all of our event venues are.

So today, I got the plane tickets lined up. We will be going in a few days early. I have been to Hawaii at least 8 or 9 times, but this will only be Jerry's 2nd trip so I want to make sure we get to see everything. I will surprise him with a Helicopter ride around the islands.

This, as all of our events is going to be awesome! Personally, I look forward to all of the Liberty League events. More later as I get my plans taken care of.


05 April 2008

Another Rainy Day

Funny, when I was in the "work world", as I was for more than 30 years. On a rainy Saturday the last thing I could do would be to relax and just enjoy the rain. I would be out all day running errands. Or, as a manager of a call center, it was not unusal to spend my entire day off at the office finishing up loose ends or just trying to get caught up and putting out fires.

Saturdays were nothing special, in many cases, they were just another day.

But here we are on yet another (the 7th day in a row) of a rainy day. This morning, my husband and I have just sat and watched the rain over the water view, watched the fog come and go with each passing thunderstorm and had some really good conversation.

This is the way we live our lives. They are entirely on purpose. If we choose to relax on any day, we can. So even a rainy day is an absolute pleasure and we are very grateful for them.

Just wanted to pass on this thought. Have a wonderful Saturday.
To your success...