We have in our hands the most powerful business model available. This has been proven over and over again by the massive results we are seeing. But sometimes, we forget how easy the business is and are challenged by lead generation. This too, should be easy and my goal here is to keep it that way. My commitment is simple, "I will provide you easy access to every method and tool I find, for you to use and grow your businesses". We will keep our business simple so we can enjoy the amazing results we came here to have.

Liberty Conference 2008

Big Announcement

Did you hear???? Everything is now available in Spanish. The Beyond Freedom, Presentation Calls and Training Calls. Next - French!

Isn't It Time You Took Action To Change Your Life Forever?

17 December 2008

So, Just Fire the Boss!

I hear it every day, people really want to get out of their jobs "Fire their Boss" and be free.

Time and again I hear it: "I want to get out of the Rat Race", "I want more time with my family", "I want a more fulfilling life", "I want more money"
.... I want, I want, I want...

My answer, is Just Do It! Just Fire the Boss, get out of the rat race, have more time with your family, lead a more fulfilling life and have more money.

If you think it is not that simple, then I am compelled to graciously inform you "You Are Wrong".

I do not claim to have the magic pixie dust answer for every problem or to have a unique solution to every challenge. What I do claim is this; the secret to success at any level and any activity lies within it's simplicity.

Here are a few Simplicity guidelines to assist you in laying the groundwork to Fire the Boss.

1) Simplicity of a Vision - Knowing what your destiny is, knowing the end result of a journey, knowing the outcome is a simple process, however, digging deep within yourself to find your purpose and your vision may take some effort. But once the vision is created, the results lie within simplicity.

2) Simplicity of decision - before you can have or accomplish anything, you must make a decision to do so. This is a very deep one-sided commitment to your vision. It is a "My Only Choice is Success" decision. This level of decision removes any chance of failure from the equation. Once the deep seated decision takes hold and you are driven by the vision then you are capable of taking a simplistic approach to the next step.

3) Simplicity of Action - this can be a tricky piece. Most people make the mistake of thinking massive action, 24 hour action, life consuming action is what is necessary. However, the action which is driven by the vision and the decision would be focused action. Simple and consistent steps moving you steadily toward your goal or your vision.

4) Simplicity of results - keeping things simple allows the Universe to put things into motion toward your end or your vision. When we over complicate life, it becomes muffled and hap-hazard. Simplicity is very powerful but should not be confused with laziness.

By the simplicity, I mean to stay focused. Anything can be accomplished when you are focused and working continually toward a goal.

This is why so many Entrepreneurs are able to fire their bosses very quickly, because they have created their vision and stayed on a simple forward moving course. It is also the underlying reason successful people are able to make decisions very quickly, simply because they are driven by their vision and focused like a laser beam on their action.

Give it some thought, start to dig inside yourself to find your vision and then take the simple approach. But I must warn you in advance; when you do this, more than you could have ever imagined will start coming your way.

To your success...

16 December 2008

Using Squidoo for Advertising

There is no doubt, Squidoo.com is a powerful tool to use for advertising your business. In fact, I will step out on a limb and say it is probably the most powerful tool available for advertising.

But, before you jump in and set up your Squidoo website/lens, you must take the time to learn how to use it.

When used properly, Squidoo works, when used improperly, it is just a waste of your time.

So, what is Squidoo? It is a web portal. But, what it really is.... is a Traffic Machine on Steroids!

In a few days, I will release a team guide for using Squidoo. This is just a heads up for everyone on the team to be watching for this release. I will send out an advisory in the daily team updates and post the access to the guide on our team website, right here!

Looking forward to teaching you more about Squidoo!

to your success...

03 December 2008

Keys for Baby Boomers in the New Economy

Too many Baby Boomers are worried these days. They are losing their 401k's, being laid off from long time career positions, being down-sized and being replaced by younger (cheaper) employees.

We have worked our entire lives to be able to live a robust and fun retired life and hopefully retire early. Our kids are either in college or just finishing college and we are looking forward to them starting their own lives so we can start ours!

As a Baby Boomer, I have a passion for assisting those who are in my age group to live the life they desire. But that life should not involve living on a pittence of a retirement income or working for $10.00 per hour greeting consumers at a super store.

Baby Boomers deserve to be free, to live a robust life to live life large instead of small, to travel and have fun anytime and anywhere they choose.

Regardless of your age, this New Economy is probably affecting you. But for Baby Boomers, upcoming retirees, it can be especially taunting and frightening.

When my husband and I decided in 2004 to leave our jobs, our retirement incomes and to start our own home based business, it was very scary. But we were driven by the "Outcome" of our lives we envisioned. We were not ready to live our retirement years shackled to our jobs.

We decided to take control of our situation and take the chance that we could create an income that would support our dreams.

The challenge for most of the people in our age group is clear. To continue working day after day, not knowing what the future will hold, or to step out on their own, not knowing what the future will hold. One choice, you have no control over, the 2nd choice, you have total control.

Here is the clear difference though. YOU can have Anything you want. It is never too late to choose to have your dreams. Take time today to decide what it is you truly want. Think big and create a clear vision of the life you will have when you have your dreams come true.

Once you decide what the outcome of your life will be, open your mind for the path to clear. The only figuring out necessary is "figuring out" what you want. Allow opportunities and ideas to come to you. Stay focused on your goals and allow circumstances to fall into place that support your dreams.

Stop worrying and stop trying to fix things. Take a "never give up" attitude and you will not have to give up. Once you open your mind and your heart, everything will fall into place.

However, here is the "but", you must allow yourself to take action when the opportunity or the idea comes to you. Creating your future to meet your own specifications will take determination and probably taking a risk.

Here is the question you should ask yourself;

" Which would be the greatest pain, The Pain of Risk or the Pain of Regret?"

Don't let yourself regret your choices. Living a full and fun life will take some actions you have never had to take before.

I talk to Baby Boomers every day who are living the life of their dreams. They have taken chances that paid off big time and I am not talking about investments in stocks or anything that you have no control over. I am talking about taking a chance on a home business.

There are many people our age who make more money from home than they ever made working for someone else or from their retirement. It is possible to live a life of freedom, taking your business wherever you choose to be and having an income greater than you ever imagined. Make an investment in yourself and decide today to live your dreams.

There are many businesses from home that are legitimate, strong and freeing. Decide today to create your own outcome. I offer a strong business model that is perfect for Baby Boomers like me. I would love to talk with you and show you how to live life on your terms.

To your success...