We have in our hands the most powerful business model available. This has been proven over and over again by the massive results we are seeing. But sometimes, we forget how easy the business is and are challenged by lead generation. This too, should be easy and my goal here is to keep it that way. My commitment is simple, "I will provide you easy access to every method and tool I find, for you to use and grow your businesses". We will keep our business simple so we can enjoy the amazing results we came here to have.

Liberty Conference 2008

Big Announcement

Did you hear???? Everything is now available in Spanish. The Beyond Freedom, Presentation Calls and Training Calls. Next - French!

Isn't It Time You Took Action To Change Your Life Forever?

18 September 2008

Raising Your Level of Awareness

Awareness is a powerful thing. It is the awareness of possibilities that has led to every invention at every level. Nothing can be accomplished until one is aware of their ability to accomplish something great.

Awareness and decision can be seen as the same thing. Stay with me for a moment. I have talked frequently about how you must "decide" to have something before you can have. You must "decide" to do something before you can do it. You must "decide" to believe something before it becomes part of your inner self.

Once a decision is made, one then becomes aware of the possibility of having, accomplishing or doing. For example, let's say you decide to purchase a new car. Along with that absolute decision will come many happenings of awareness. You will be aware of the type of car, how much the car will cost, how you will pay for it and where they money will come from. All from the level of awareness which came from the decision to have.

To do or accomplish great things, one must be aware of the possibilities. For example, our good friends Brian and Rhonda Swan, who decided to take a 2 year Around the World trip with their little girl. Once the decision was made, they began to become aware of the possibilities; where to go, where to stay, how to do their business along the way and etc. But none of this awareness was possible until the decision was made.

So the point is very simple, make a decision, not to "try" and have something or do something, but decide to have it. Once the decision is made to have, then open your mind to awareness. The way and the method will come from this.

Nothing can be accomplished until the awareness is part of the plan.