We have in our hands the most powerful business model available. This has been proven over and over again by the massive results we are seeing. But sometimes, we forget how easy the business is and are challenged by lead generation. This too, should be easy and my goal here is to keep it that way. My commitment is simple, "I will provide you easy access to every method and tool I find, for you to use and grow your businesses". We will keep our business simple so we can enjoy the amazing results we came here to have.

Liberty Conference 2008

Big Announcement

Did you hear???? Everything is now available in Spanish. The Beyond Freedom, Presentation Calls and Training Calls. Next - French!

Isn't It Time You Took Action To Change Your Life Forever?

18 January 2009

Five Steps to Accomplishing Great Goals

All great accomplishments in history began with the imagination. The imagination is the single most powerful tool we have in our mental and physical arsenals. Nothing is by circumstance, you accomplish what you actively and creatively see in your mind's eye first.

People often ask me what the most important thing they can do to assure they reach their goals is, and I ALWAYS answer "just Imagine it". Call it visualization or imagination, it is all the same. But nothing great ever happened without it first being seen in the imagination.

So how do you use your imagination to create something phenomenal? And yes, anyone can do great and phenomenal things. It may be in sports, finances, art, or in relationships, but until it is imagined, it is never accomplished.

Here is a simple 5 step process to use. Take out pen and paper and go through these simple steps:

1) Ask yourself; "What do I really want to do?"
Write the question down and think about it in detail. Do not think about what you have done in the past. The past has nothing to do with your future. What do you really want to do?

2) Assign a time line
Once again, do not think of the past, and especially, do not think about the "How". Think only about what you really want and when you want it. It should be within 1, 3 or 5 years, or may even be as early as next month, but make sure you put a time line to it.

3) Write a detailed description of doing this thing.
Spend some time using your imagination and write out what you want. But here is the "key", it must be in present tense. I have or I am are necessary. Be very specific. Use your imagination and create every bit of detail surrounding your desire. I like to refer to it as "my perfect day", with this "thing" being the centerpiece of your perfect day.

4) Why do you want it?
Get clear on this. You must have a powerful why. Sometimes, you will find in this step that you really do not want the thing you have imagined and something else comes up as more important. If this happens, start from the beginning again.

5) Apply the power of Gratitude.
Beginning immediately, everyday until your goal is achieved, be grateful for it. Spend some time each day being grateful for everything you currently have and for the goal you are working toward. Your gratitude must be in present tense. I am so happy and grateful now that I .......

This may seem to be a very simplistic approach, but it is a very powerful one. Anything your imagination can see, you can achieve. But the achievement of things comes through faith and belief. Believe that your intention is yours. The fact that you have put time and emotion into creating your intent, makes it a very powerful force. So just believe. When you can believe, you can and will receive.

To your unstoppable success...

14 January 2009

Are you Among the 3%'ers?

It is a known and proven fact, that about 3% of the population makes 95% of the money! How could this be? In the most prosperous country in the world, could it be that so few are immensely wealthy?

Some might say these people are lucky, in the right place at the right time, knew the right people, inherited it, stole it, or in some way were less than honest in the way they came about their riches, but that is NOT my answer.

I think it is much more than coincidental that you also have only about 3% of the population who are willing to take action to have what they truly desire.

When it comes to success and financial Independence, the numbers are staggering in every area.

For example:
How many people write down their goals
How many people meditate and visualize
How many people believe it is better to work smart than hard
How many people expect nothing but good things to happen
How many people read daily
How many people are grateful everyday for what they have
How many people give more than 10% consistently
How many people are big thinkers
How many people know there is endless abundance in this world
How many people know what prosperity consciousness is
How many people know it is easier to make a lot of money than a little
and on and on and on....

When it comes to people who make a lot of money, creating financial independence for themselves and their families, you will normally find they each participate in these activities daily.

These are traits of people who are highly successful. And, these are all traits that can be learned, but only by people who choose to learn them and apply them in their lives.

I teach people how to make money. I have worked with many who had none of these traits, but in time, were able to understand them and apply them with ease. Yes, they can easily be learned, but only by those who choose to.

And the amazing thing, when you start applying these into your daily routine, your results change dramatically and quickly.

So I encourage you to delve into these concepts and ways of thinking. The doing of any business is the easiest part. It is the work that must be done on oneself that is sometimes the challenging part.

And, if you would like to learn how to make multiple 6 figures within the next year, let me know... I can show you how.

To your unstoppable success...

05 January 2009

What is the Secret Challenge

If you are not already a part of "The Secret Challenge", start now. Yes, the commitment to watch a 90 minute movie every day is challenging in itself, but the results are untold. Those of use are taking part in this challenge are seeing tremendous things in our lives already. Primarily an awakening of our inner strength and our dreams. Check it out for yourself at http://www.TheSecretChallenge.com