We have in our hands the most powerful business model available. This has been proven over and over again by the massive results we are seeing. But sometimes, we forget how easy the business is and are challenged by lead generation. This too, should be easy and my goal here is to keep it that way. My commitment is simple, "I will provide you easy access to every method and tool I find, for you to use and grow your businesses". We will keep our business simple so we can enjoy the amazing results we came here to have.

Liberty Conference 2008

Big Announcement

Did you hear???? Everything is now available in Spanish. The Beyond Freedom, Presentation Calls and Training Calls. Next - French!

Isn't It Time You Took Action To Change Your Life Forever?

17 December 2008

So, Just Fire the Boss!

I hear it every day, people really want to get out of their jobs "Fire their Boss" and be free.

Time and again I hear it: "I want to get out of the Rat Race", "I want more time with my family", "I want a more fulfilling life", "I want more money"
.... I want, I want, I want...

My answer, is Just Do It! Just Fire the Boss, get out of the rat race, have more time with your family, lead a more fulfilling life and have more money.

If you think it is not that simple, then I am compelled to graciously inform you "You Are Wrong".

I do not claim to have the magic pixie dust answer for every problem or to have a unique solution to every challenge. What I do claim is this; the secret to success at any level and any activity lies within it's simplicity.

Here are a few Simplicity guidelines to assist you in laying the groundwork to Fire the Boss.

1) Simplicity of a Vision - Knowing what your destiny is, knowing the end result of a journey, knowing the outcome is a simple process, however, digging deep within yourself to find your purpose and your vision may take some effort. But once the vision is created, the results lie within simplicity.

2) Simplicity of decision - before you can have or accomplish anything, you must make a decision to do so. This is a very deep one-sided commitment to your vision. It is a "My Only Choice is Success" decision. This level of decision removes any chance of failure from the equation. Once the deep seated decision takes hold and you are driven by the vision then you are capable of taking a simplistic approach to the next step.

3) Simplicity of Action - this can be a tricky piece. Most people make the mistake of thinking massive action, 24 hour action, life consuming action is what is necessary. However, the action which is driven by the vision and the decision would be focused action. Simple and consistent steps moving you steadily toward your goal or your vision.

4) Simplicity of results - keeping things simple allows the Universe to put things into motion toward your end or your vision. When we over complicate life, it becomes muffled and hap-hazard. Simplicity is very powerful but should not be confused with laziness.

By the simplicity, I mean to stay focused. Anything can be accomplished when you are focused and working continually toward a goal.

This is why so many Entrepreneurs are able to fire their bosses very quickly, because they have created their vision and stayed on a simple forward moving course. It is also the underlying reason successful people are able to make decisions very quickly, simply because they are driven by their vision and focused like a laser beam on their action.

Give it some thought, start to dig inside yourself to find your vision and then take the simple approach. But I must warn you in advance; when you do this, more than you could have ever imagined will start coming your way.

To your success...

16 December 2008

Using Squidoo for Advertising

There is no doubt, Squidoo.com is a powerful tool to use for advertising your business. In fact, I will step out on a limb and say it is probably the most powerful tool available for advertising.

But, before you jump in and set up your Squidoo website/lens, you must take the time to learn how to use it.

When used properly, Squidoo works, when used improperly, it is just a waste of your time.

So, what is Squidoo? It is a web portal. But, what it really is.... is a Traffic Machine on Steroids!

In a few days, I will release a team guide for using Squidoo. This is just a heads up for everyone on the team to be watching for this release. I will send out an advisory in the daily team updates and post the access to the guide on our team website, right here!

Looking forward to teaching you more about Squidoo!

to your success...

03 December 2008

Keys for Baby Boomers in the New Economy

Too many Baby Boomers are worried these days. They are losing their 401k's, being laid off from long time career positions, being down-sized and being replaced by younger (cheaper) employees.

We have worked our entire lives to be able to live a robust and fun retired life and hopefully retire early. Our kids are either in college or just finishing college and we are looking forward to them starting their own lives so we can start ours!

As a Baby Boomer, I have a passion for assisting those who are in my age group to live the life they desire. But that life should not involve living on a pittence of a retirement income or working for $10.00 per hour greeting consumers at a super store.

Baby Boomers deserve to be free, to live a robust life to live life large instead of small, to travel and have fun anytime and anywhere they choose.

Regardless of your age, this New Economy is probably affecting you. But for Baby Boomers, upcoming retirees, it can be especially taunting and frightening.

When my husband and I decided in 2004 to leave our jobs, our retirement incomes and to start our own home based business, it was very scary. But we were driven by the "Outcome" of our lives we envisioned. We were not ready to live our retirement years shackled to our jobs.

We decided to take control of our situation and take the chance that we could create an income that would support our dreams.

The challenge for most of the people in our age group is clear. To continue working day after day, not knowing what the future will hold, or to step out on their own, not knowing what the future will hold. One choice, you have no control over, the 2nd choice, you have total control.

Here is the clear difference though. YOU can have Anything you want. It is never too late to choose to have your dreams. Take time today to decide what it is you truly want. Think big and create a clear vision of the life you will have when you have your dreams come true.

Once you decide what the outcome of your life will be, open your mind for the path to clear. The only figuring out necessary is "figuring out" what you want. Allow opportunities and ideas to come to you. Stay focused on your goals and allow circumstances to fall into place that support your dreams.

Stop worrying and stop trying to fix things. Take a "never give up" attitude and you will not have to give up. Once you open your mind and your heart, everything will fall into place.

However, here is the "but", you must allow yourself to take action when the opportunity or the idea comes to you. Creating your future to meet your own specifications will take determination and probably taking a risk.

Here is the question you should ask yourself;

" Which would be the greatest pain, The Pain of Risk or the Pain of Regret?"

Don't let yourself regret your choices. Living a full and fun life will take some actions you have never had to take before.

I talk to Baby Boomers every day who are living the life of their dreams. They have taken chances that paid off big time and I am not talking about investments in stocks or anything that you have no control over. I am talking about taking a chance on a home business.

There are many people our age who make more money from home than they ever made working for someone else or from their retirement. It is possible to live a life of freedom, taking your business wherever you choose to be and having an income greater than you ever imagined. Make an investment in yourself and decide today to live your dreams.

There are many businesses from home that are legitimate, strong and freeing. Decide today to create your own outcome. I offer a strong business model that is perfect for Baby Boomers like me. I would love to talk with you and show you how to live life on your terms.

To your success...

10 November 2008

How Committed Are You to Your Goal?

Serious goals can not be taken lightly. Goals such as financial freedom, owning a successful business, finding the right partner and living a life of prosperity are very serious and require certain actions on your part to accomplish.

Too often, I talk to people who want to accomplish something outside their normal realm of thinking and expectation. They are very serious about the goal, but are relying on their old thinking to get it.

They are serious goals, goals that require much more than they are accustomed to giving. I usually find they have failed to accomplish much smaller goals, so just changed the goal to something larger, but did not make any changes in their thinking or their actions.

I do want to be very clear right up front, anything can be accomplished by someone who is totally committed to a goal. Being committed to a goal requires a level of thinking and actions that are outside the box for the majority of people. It also takes a level of clarity most people are not willing to work at getting.

Take for example the young man who came to me and wanted to make $150,000 within the next year. He really “wanted” it. So I asked him:
“How does it feel to make $150,000 in a year?”

He looked at me like I had two heads and said “If I knew that, I would have it and not want it.”

My response; “No, if you knew that you would have it and want something bigger!”

In our conversation, I learned that he had never made more than $40,000 in one year. His goal was wrapped around the lifestyle that he wanted to create for he and his new bride. He was very serious about this, but his thinking was completely backwards.

He thought in order to increase his income from $40,000 per year to $150,000 he had to figure out how to make it and then do the thing to get it.

But I reeled him back in and taught him:

1) Before you can have it, you must become the person inside who has it. You must “BE” the person who makes $150,000 per year inside. You will only receive at the level you are able to Be.

2) You must get completely clear about what $150,000 in one year will do for you. What will it give you that you do not have right now. Exactly how will it change your life and what will it buy?

3) You must “feel” what it will “feel” like to have it and to have the thing that it will accomplish for you. See in your mind what the having is like. Feel the energy of having and the excitement of having.

4) You must take “right action” toward having it. This right action is not necessarily working hard, of course it is changing the current pattern you have, but it can be as simple as taking small right actions toward your goal, but taking action forward nonetheless.

5) You must be committed and diligent to your goal. Your goal must become the underlying belief system deep within you. You must be committed every day, every hour and every minute to it.

6) You must have integrity to your goal. You must stay the course with diligence and determination. This is integrity.

7) You must change your thinking to align with your desires.

The universe is vast and abundant. Anything you really want is available there. No one is left out of the storehouse the Universe has to offer. But why do so many people fail to get what they want?

The answer really is simple and you may think my approach is too simplified; But some people are committed to having their goals and others are committed to wanting them.

Accomplishing something major takes a level of commitment. It takes a level of planning and action that most people are not willing to give.

Success begins with what is inside. It begins with how you feel inside about the goal, how you think about it and what action you are willing to commit to it.

Success takes daily belief, commitment and action, not just occasional.

This is why I ask, how committed are you to having your goals?

18 September 2008

Raising Your Level of Awareness

Awareness is a powerful thing. It is the awareness of possibilities that has led to every invention at every level. Nothing can be accomplished until one is aware of their ability to accomplish something great.

Awareness and decision can be seen as the same thing. Stay with me for a moment. I have talked frequently about how you must "decide" to have something before you can have. You must "decide" to do something before you can do it. You must "decide" to believe something before it becomes part of your inner self.

Once a decision is made, one then becomes aware of the possibility of having, accomplishing or doing. For example, let's say you decide to purchase a new car. Along with that absolute decision will come many happenings of awareness. You will be aware of the type of car, how much the car will cost, how you will pay for it and where they money will come from. All from the level of awareness which came from the decision to have.

To do or accomplish great things, one must be aware of the possibilities. For example, our good friends Brian and Rhonda Swan, who decided to take a 2 year Around the World trip with their little girl. Once the decision was made, they began to become aware of the possibilities; where to go, where to stay, how to do their business along the way and etc. But none of this awareness was possible until the decision was made.

So the point is very simple, make a decision, not to "try" and have something or do something, but decide to have it. Once the decision is made to have, then open your mind to awareness. The way and the method will come from this.

Nothing can be accomplished until the awareness is part of the plan.

08 August 2008

Surviving or Thriving - A Clear Choice

I admit it, I really do wake up each and every day and do what "I Want To Do". Some may think this is a selfish approach to life and others may think it is a fairy tale, but it is my life. But how is it that I can do this? The answer is very simple, " I just decided to".

Okay, so I hear the eyes rolling and the laughs and the moaning "yeah right". But it is very true. Did I realize it at the time I made the decision that 4 years later, I would be starting each and every day on my own terms and living my life only as I choose? No, but in hindsight, I now know the power of the decision to take control of my life.

Let's go back a few years so you can see the transition a bit. I worked for an airline for 28 years and suddenly lost that job. At the time I was devastated, so close to retirement and being let go with nothing to show for the 28 years. I went right to work for another company, a Pharmaceutical company, building and running their customer service call center. At the time, I felt so lucky to have a job that paid even more than I made with the airline (which I thought was excellent pay), and they let me have autonomy, which simply meant I worked 80 hours a week, because I did everything that needed to be done to get my assignment completed. Then one day, my husband and I realized that we hated our lives. In our 50's and although we lived very comfortably, we had no "life". We never saw each other, we lived paycheck to paycheck, we were tired all of the time and life in general became a real drudgery.

We were just surviving at life. So I started exploring options and very quickly got started in a home business that I knew I would love. Now here is the amazing part, within 3 months, my husband and I had both quit our jobs. Sounds great, huh?

Well it was, but we learned very quickly that we were not emotionally prepared for having complete control of our lives. We worried about our business, we worried about what others thought of us, we worried about our family obligations and on and on and on.

Within a few months, we put ourselves right back into a very stressful situation, even though we no longer worked for someone else. It was a situation that we created. There was almost a need to be stressed since we had lived in stress for so many years. It directly affected our income, simply because we were limiting the amount of our income based on our limited thinking.

We had gone back into the SURVIVAL mode without realizing it. We needed an Epiphany, we needed an awakening. One day, an associate in our company wrote an email to me and said "Wanda, when did you mentally go back to your days of working for someone else and give control of your life back to others? What made you stop thinking big and go back to thinking so small?"

That was all it took for me to realize that after all those years of being under the control of others, I was not allowing myself to be in control of me! I stopped thinking big and started thinking survival. My husband and I were both totally wrapped up in survival and forgot that the reason we chose to be self employed and quit our jobs, was to LIVE! We had denied ourselves of our deepest desires, simply because we gave up the control.

Today, I pinch myself every day. I wake up when I want (and yes, I still get up early by choice), I walk on the beach every morning, sometimes for miles. I read, write, sleep and whatever I feel is best for me at the time. Then I work my business for a couple of hours and Jerry and I spend the rest of the day together. Sometimes doing our volunteer and community work and sometimes just fishing or boating.

But the point is, we are living. So what took me/us from surviving to thriving? Again, it was a clear decision. Surviving is not a good thing. It is what you do in the work world. You survive in the masses which sometimes leads you to surviving in your own life.

But thriving is rich! It is being in total control. It is thinking big, it is rejoicing and being absolutely grateful, it is juicy, it is delicious. It is just very special. Thriving is living your life on your own terms, touching other people's lives everyday and living life to the fullest.

When you thrive, everything else just works out, even the money. The mindset of thriving takes you to unbelievable levels of success. Getting to this point sometimes takes a slap in the face. Sometimes people get a slap and do not realize it. They miss the opportunity to wake up. These little slaps, or bumps in the road will then set you back in your growth, instead of moving you forward to unimaginable levels of growth.

We were very fortunate that it moved us forward. We clearly received the message of thriving versus surviving. My message to you today is to go forward in your life and thrive. Life is an amazing experience and it is meant to be exciting, delicious, juicy and fun. It is meant to give you great peace and great joy as well as providing these same things to others.

Thriving gives you the life you desire, but you must make the clear and conscious choice to thrive, to live your life by your own terms, the way it was meant to be. The difference in surviving and thriving are as simple as a decision. Make the decision today to THRIVE! To your success...

11 July 2008

Retirement or Lifestyle - It is Your Choice!

Yes, I am a baby boomer and very proud of it! I am living a lifestyle that most people dream and hope of living when they retire, but I am and have been living it for several years now.

At the age of 52, I started my business. I knew that I would never be able to retire with the lifestyle I hoped for and if I were going to, things had to change. Our 401k was a pittance, there were no retirement programs from our jobs of many years, the amount of social security we would earn was a joke and few of our investments were working for us. The truth is, we were living from paycheck to paycheck and that would not change as long as we stayed on the same path. Since the age of 14, I had never been unemployed. I decided that I was tired and my husband and I deserved to live a life of luxury and freedom, NOW!

So, I found a powerful business model, one where other people were having the level of success I wanted, I got started, I did exactly what I was taught to do, and within 3 months, my husband and I both had quit our dead end jobs.

Now we live at the beach, free to travel or just sit on the beach, whatever we choose each day and loving it! All because we made a decision to make some things happen for ourselves. So what is my point? It is never too late to live the life you really want.

Success is not just for the young. We have proven that. Of course we are not old, I am 56 and my husband is 62. But we took action. There are a few major components to creating real results in life. Regardless of what you are looking for. It may be wealth, freedom, better relationships or career advancement. The components of success are the always the same.

1) Decision – Everything starts with decision. But not just making up your mind. Making a real decision means to remove all other options from the table. When you make a real decision, you have only one direction and one outcome.
2) Focus – Accomplishing major change in your life requires focus. Laser beam focus on the goal is the driving force to keep you going in the right direction.
3) Belief – Or some may prefer (as I do) to call it faith. Regardless, in order to have anything, you must have absolute and total belief. The level of belief that removes failure as an option. This is a level of belief that KNOWS your goal is at hand, KNOWS that whatever you desire and are focused on is happening for you. It is a deep seeded, inner belief that is not understood by anyone who does not have your level of commitment to the goal.

People frequently ask me why I started a business in my mid 50's and quit my job when I was so close to retirement. What an absurd question that is. My life was just beginning and I wanted to live it in an extreme way. I had to take massive all out action to have what was very important to me.

When I started my business, I knew that continuing on the road of the "work world" would do very little at my age to give me the lifestyle I really wanted. Instead, I took the higher road, the road of creating my own life. Looking back, it is the best decision I have ever made (except for marrying my wonderful husband of course). Our society fools people into thinking if they work hard, save a few dollars and retire, life will be wonderful. People are stuck in jobs they hate, and in a lifestyles they do not want to live. The real reason people are stuck is FEAR (False Evidence Appearing Real). Fear of the unknown keeps more people from stepping out and claiming their success than any other reason. There are a million ways to make a million dollars and far easier than saving for your entire life while someone else pays you what they think you are worth. I implore you to take a long hard look at where you will be just 5 years from now on your current path. The best way to have financial independence is to create it for yourself with a solid business model. I now make more in a month than I used to make in a year as a Call Center Manager and more in a year than I would have ever been able to save in a lifetime. Plus, I work only 15 - 20 hours per week instead of the 60 I worked before.You can too, it is so easy. But, the hardest part is making the decision. So, Baby Boomers take heed and people of all ages know this; the road to retirement is a smooth one but the retirement itself may not be. Step out of the box and grab the golden ring. I did and what a difference that made in my life. Make it a great day and Take Action! To Your Success…

04 July 2008

Empowering Leadership Together

Betty Ford said, "You can make it, but it's easier if you don't have to do it alone."

I absolutely agree with this quote by Betty Ford. A strong team to empower you along your path makes your success inevitable. Team up with a group who will guide, teach, mentor and most importantly lift you up! Lifting up does not mean holding your hand and doing the work for you but instead, it means EMPOWERING you to be the leader.

When you are ready for your own home business, make sure it is with a group of empowering leaders. Leaders who show you the way through demonstration and mentoring.

I am proud to be a part of such a team. The mentorship and training I have received has guided me in building my own strong and empowering team. Entrepreneurs who learn strong leadership mindset and skills become unstoppable.

To your success...

03 July 2008

Feeding the Mind

"Nurture your mind with great thoughts, for you will never go any higher than you think." Benjamin Disraeli

We feed our minds daily. It may be through TV, Radio, our friends, our family, our co-workers and through what we read. What is going into your mind? Are the thoughts and visions you are instilling in your mind moving you toward your ultimate goal you desire?

Your future is entirely dependent on your level of thinking. If you are feeding your mind with visions of where you want to go, with powerful and empowering fuel, with the expectation of success, then you are creating a level of thinking that catapults you to higher levels.

You will NEVER out perform your own expectations of yourself and the person you have inside. Feed your mind with great expectation and great words. Determine who you really want to be and change your "self" into that person. It begins with the fuel you feed your mind.

There is no limit to what we can accomplish. The common thread between people who have had great successes is always thier unlying thoughts. Thoughts become words, words become beliefs and beliefs lead to great action. But you must have the thoughts first and those come from what you feed your mind.

To your success...

01 July 2008

Life is Good with Liberty League

Here is a note from Debbie Love:

I found Liberty League about 1 1/2 years ago. I was in the Healthcare Industry and my husband was deeply ingrained in Corporate America. We are now both at home working this business together and are grateful everyday that we found this opportunity!

26 June 2008

Upcoming Edition of Liberty League Lifestyle

The first edition of the Carnival of Liberty League Lifestyle will be published on this site, July 7, 2008. Submission deadline for any articles will be July 6. To post an article about your life in LLI or your results with Beyond Freedom, go to http://blogcarnival.com/bc/cprof_4547.html

05 May 2008

Advertising with Google Adwords

Many of you have heard the nightmare stories of people who have spent many thousands of dollars "trying" to figure out Google Adwords. I am one of those people, but now, Adwords is my primary lead generation tool.

The reason I now use primarily Adwords is because I now know how to use it effectively and efficiently. Thanks to the new "My Google Tool". This set of instruction videos turned my advertising on it's ear. I now spend pennies compared to my previous costs to acquire leads.

I highly recommend it to my entire team. Go here to learn more and to purchase this program.

To your success...

21 April 2008

Negative Advertising - Does it Work?

I really never thought I would have to put this into writing. I actually assumed that everyone using the Internet understood this. But hey, I am a big thinker, I do not spend my time thinking about or sweating the small stuff. Until it came to my attention how harmful this is to the real business marketers out there and how silly it is for this to even be an issue.

So what is it? It is Negative Advertising on the Internet or Using Search results against others for ones own greed.

A couple of years ago, I took an Internet marketing class, although it was basically a waste of my time, there is one thing which really stands out from that class.

We were taught "when advertising on the Internet, find something that is really hot and connect your keywords to it" to generate more traffic and greater results. The example we primarily used was "who is hot in entertainment". For example, if Britney Spears is in the news, use her as a keyword and link your site and your ad to anyone who is searching for information on her.

Well, at the time, I thought it was silly and actually unethical, so I never used that technique. After all, people searching for Britney would never be looking for a way to improve themselves or even a home based business.

But today, I find this tactic is being so badly misused in Internet Search Marketing. Google any legitimate business or person and what you will find is paid advertising, ads that blast or slam the company only to bring attention to another company.

I find this especially true in home based businesses, but don't just take my word for it. Google any legitimate business, businesses where people are having amazing success and results and see for yourself what those with no ethics are doing.

You will find things like "Why I did not join", Why I quit", "This is a scam" and the disgusting antics go on and on and on. The idea of "get on the bandwagon of something popular" is unfortunately, very effective in internet advertising.

Most Internet marketers would NEVER pay any attention to ads such as this. Marketers know these people are just using unethical approaches to ride the tide of success of other legitimate marketers. But the inexperienced public does NOT know this. Unfortunately they believe what these guys are saying. All they really have to do is click on the ads and see that it is actually an ad for another company. Duh! How hard is this to figure out??

Why do you think their advertising always slams the other guy? If the other guy is hot, then jump on the bandwagon. That is all they are doing, is jumping on the bandwagon of success. Making a disgusting attempt to legitimise themselves by disenfranchising the real marketer.

So, what do I suggest? Do your homework. Talk to people who are ACTUALLY involved in the opportunity so see what they think. Talk to the Attorney General of the listed home state, talk to the Association of Home Business, talk to the State Incorporation offices, talk to Dun and Bradstreet, they will tell you all you need to know. BUT, do not listen to unethical, sleazy people who do not know how to advertise without slamming another company.

Anyway, why would ANYONE want to get started with a business who bases it's advertising on slamming other businesses? That would certainly be a red flag to me and businesses started with this technique are surely going to have little success. It is the law of nature, the Law of Reciprocity". In fact, I would be more inclined to join the company being slammed, because from experience, I know, "they must be on to something".

And one more thing I absolutely must add here...

Adults have to be responsible for their own results in life. If someone fails at any business opportunity, it is because THEY failed. Either they did not follow the already proven systems (reinventing the wheel), or they were waiting for someone else to do the work for them, or maybe even they never expected to succeed anyway. I truly believe this is why most failures occur, there was never a level of expectation for success. Any business started from hoping, wishing and wanting is doomed. Businesses started from knowing success is imminent will greatly succeed.

You should also trust your feelings in these cases as well. If a product feels right, if it is hot, if it is cutting edge, and if others are having success, then there is no reason why you can not as well as long as you are willing to do the work. Everyone is on equal playing field. Some take an opportunity and run with it and others look for excuses why it will not succeed.

So get out there and find what you are looking for, but stay away from paid advertising slamming your company and let those who are practicing this know, it DOES NOT WORK FOR YOU!

To your success...

I encourage anyone who is seriously looking for a real opportunity with powerful compensation, give me a call or contact me via the form on any of my websites.

Post Your Site on Our Blog

Team members are encouraged to post any and all websites they use for marketing their business on the blog. This blog gets good exposure in the blog community, so any links or ads you post will be seen and produce traffic.

Just send the information to ME and I will put it on the site. This is good, free advertising for you.

Also, any tools you would like to post, send to me as well.

We are here to support you and assist you.


18 April 2008

Did You Get this?

Last night, John laid out plans on how you can put millions in the bank within the next 3-5 years and then retire on a million dollar per year residual income. Yes, I did said millions. John talked about someone he recently talked with who could not comprehend what it would be like to have $20,000 per month and how small that thinking is. He stresses how important it is we grasp the enormity of this business, that we have not even gotten off the launchpad yet with the income we can create. The current record of $175,000 in one month is NOTHING compared to what we will see in 1, 2 and 3 years and eveyone is on equal ground.

GET THIS.... what is this business? It is only about helping other people to have absolute freedom and change lives. Decide today how many lives you are going to change, set some real goals and KNOW that anything you strive for you can have here. There is NOTHING else out there as powerful as this. Open your mind, grasp it, get excited and just go for whatever it is you really want.

We are changing the World! In many businesses, it takes hundreds and hundreds of people just to make a laughable $20,000 per month. Here, 100 people is over a million a year (only $83,000 per month), that is so very attainable here.

Give me a call, I am here to assist you.

10 April 2008

I Want You To Know What You Have Here

Do you get it, I mean REALLY GET IT? The people you hear on the training calls and the people you meet at the events are real people, just like you and me. I know it is hard to get your head around some of the numbers you hear. But normal, everyday people are making phenomenal amounts of money. Not just $30,000, $40,000 per month, but $100,000 and more per MONTH. Just log into your back office and check it out for yourself.

This is a million dollar (+) per year opportunity. What you do with it is entirely up to you and your mindset. If you have a $50,000 per year mindset and expectation, then you will leave $950,000 on the table.

Liberty League is so incredibly real and is about to explode at a level you can not even imagine. WHY? Because people all over the world are hating their jobs! They are tired of their cubicle lives, they know they have something more inside of them. They are miserable and we have the way out. This is exactly why so many people around the world are jumping in. This is how people are coming in here and putting thousands of dollars in their pockets within just a few weeks and months. Take Rachel in Australia. In the business for less than a year and already made $350,000 the first 3 months of 2008. And it does not matter where you are.

Get what you came here to get. Sure, it is not really about the money. You can give it all away for all I care. But your life can be a lot different when you have choices.

So, let's roll! There is NO REASON why everyone on our team cannot make at least $250,000 this year. Everyone is on equal playing field here. Don't be around the business, be IN the business.

BE IN THE GAME! You can NEVER WIN by being on the sideline!


To Your Success...

09 April 2008

CEO Pay from Home - Is It Really Possible?

First of all, what is CEO pay? If you scan the internet, you can find the salaries of CEOs. Most are in the area of $150,000 per year upwards to millions per year. I think we will all agree that basically, CEO compensation is pretty high and the benefit packages are usually quite impressive. But why is that? Simply said, CEOs take on a tremendous amount of responsibility in leading a corporation. They are people who have taken specific action to get them to a level of command in their industry and in their lives. To a degree, they sound like Entrepreneurs.

If you research the Home Based Business industry, you will find there are many people who fall into this level of success. People who have taken action and are reaping the results of their actions. This is a common trait of anyone who is successful. “Successful people are willing to do things that unsuccessful people are not willing to do”.

But, before you go rolling your eyes or assuming you have to do something bad or unethical, hear me out!

There are just a few things that successful people are willing to do that greatly affect their level of success and primarily, the thing is to Step Out Of Their Comfort Zone.

For anyone who is willing to step out of the things they are most comfortable in and do things that make them uncomfortable, the chances of making a CEO payscale greatly improve.

So ask yourself, what makes you uncomfortable about your home based business?

· Marketing? Well, that’s easy, there are many people available to teach you how to be an effective and powerful marketer

· Selling? Then find a business model that does the selling for you.

· Calling People? Make sure you have a script to follow and people who will model the process for you by making live calls for you to listen to.

· Talking to your friends? I’m with you on this one, I had to find a business where I did not have to call or approach my friends. This is not necessary to have huge success from home.

· Websites? Your business should have the tools available to have websites already available for you to use.

· Oh, here we go…. It’s MONEY! This is the biggy. I really can’t help you here, because I will not tell you money is not necessary to succeed from home. What I will tell you is… If you are looking to make a huge amount of money, it is going to take one of two things. It will either take a long time to build a highly profitable business on small profit margins or it will take investing into a product line with a huge compensation model. Personally, I chose the latter. I realized I could make money a lot faster at $1000 profit per sale than I could at $20 profit per sale. I saw spending a small amount of money as a real investment opportunity and a very small price to pay to have a real business with a real potential.

So I took the action necessary to create a large income. It comes down to the deciding factor of why some people succeed and others do not. Some see the cost getting a business started and weigh it against their results of the past and the things they have done in the past that were comfortable.

Others, like me, see it as stepping out of the box, doing what is necessary to succeed and taking the action to make it happen. This is exactly why some people have CEO level pay from home and others do not.

So if you are looking to make a CEO level income from home, you will find that everyone who is doing so, were willing to take action in these areas and any other that may be uncomfortable for them. But does it take a great deal of money?

NO!!! Look at the comparisons of some franchises and what they cost. Of course my feelings are that buying a franchise is like buying a job…. But that is another article….

Franchises usually cost anywhere from $100k to $1 Million to start and the time for turning profit is normally 3-6 years. Not to mention working 60 hours per week or more.

There are businesses from home that cost under $20k to start full out and you can virtually be in a place of profit in a couple months! That is the route I chose. Plus, the time I work my business is less than 20 hours per week!

If you really want this level of success, then go out and make it happen. I will gladly assist anyone who is serious.

08 April 2008

Getting Ready for Hawaii

Rome and the Summit Conference are behind us and eventhough it was an amazing event, it is time to get ready for the Liberty Conference. July 10-12 we will be in the beautiful Hilton Hawaiian Village in Waikiki. This is a premier resort as all of our event venues are.

So today, I got the plane tickets lined up. We will be going in a few days early. I have been to Hawaii at least 8 or 9 times, but this will only be Jerry's 2nd trip so I want to make sure we get to see everything. I will surprise him with a Helicopter ride around the islands.

This, as all of our events is going to be awesome! Personally, I look forward to all of the Liberty League events. More later as I get my plans taken care of.


05 April 2008

Another Rainy Day

Funny, when I was in the "work world", as I was for more than 30 years. On a rainy Saturday the last thing I could do would be to relax and just enjoy the rain. I would be out all day running errands. Or, as a manager of a call center, it was not unusal to spend my entire day off at the office finishing up loose ends or just trying to get caught up and putting out fires.

Saturdays were nothing special, in many cases, they were just another day.

But here we are on yet another (the 7th day in a row) of a rainy day. This morning, my husband and I have just sat and watched the rain over the water view, watched the fog come and go with each passing thunderstorm and had some really good conversation.

This is the way we live our lives. They are entirely on purpose. If we choose to relax on any day, we can. So even a rainy day is an absolute pleasure and we are very grateful for them.

Just wanted to pass on this thought. Have a wonderful Saturday.
To your success...

31 March 2008

Gotta Love My Life!

What is the definition of freedom? Go ahead, look it up. But let me tell you what my definition of Freedom is:

"Having no limits, having unlimited options available, not being limited by someone else's beliefs, being able to make moves, the ability to choose how you spend your time, your money and your energy".

That is the freedom that we enjoy. When my husband Jerry and I got started with Liberty League International a little over 3 years ago, we had NO FREEDOM. Our employer's controled everything about our lives, even down to where we went for vacations (when we got them). My employer never wanted me more than a couple of hours away in case they needed me.

Since we got started here, we have moved to where we had always dreamed of living, Emerald Isle, NC. We choose where to live, what to do, when to travel, where to eat out and on and on and on. It is not unusual for us to take off on a shopping trip to Wilmington or Myrtle Beach for the day and end up spending a night or two. That is freedom.

We love our life here. Liberty League has been everything we expected and more. The level of integrity is unmatched with any other company we tried in the past. Everyone with Liberty League works toward the success of every one else. We are a team, a true community of Entrepreneurs who are living our lives in absolute freedom and I am very grateful that it is a part of my life.

To Your Success...

17 January 2008

Working From Home - Creating Your Future

It is a fact, the Home Based Business arena is the fastest growing segment of our economy. Being an entrepreneur and a Home Business Owner, funny how when people ask what I do, they immediately think I am going to recruit them into "one of those" things. I have to laugh.

There was a time when I thought the same thing. That was before I realized the majority of new millionaires in the USA were from Home Based Businesses. And now, I know many of them myself. People who "got it". People who understand about free enterprise and how to create their future.

But this is not something we are taught. We are taught, go to school, get good grades, get a good job, do as you are told and retire with a good pension. Yeah, Right! First of all, I tried that only to be fired with 28 years on the good job and no benefits or income.

So what did I do, I got real mad. Mad at myself, for not taking control of the situation earlier in my life and creating my own future.So now, looking back over the past few years, comparing where I was to where I am, it is mind boggling how far I, we have come.

Now we live where we want to live, we travel when we want, we sleep in if we choose (cold winter days), or get up early just to play on the beach any day we choose. We are free. Our phone does not ring in the middle of the night any longer and I do not have to plan my vacation based on when my boss wants me to go. Life is wonderful.

But getting to this point in life takes a few things.

1) It takes a decisionThings don't just happen, they are created. You must decide what you are going to create
2) It takes actionYou have to move forward and action is what creates results
3) It takes knowing WhyYou must know why you do what you do. You must have somethingdriving you, something all consuming, something bigger than yourself
4) It takes clarity on your goalsIf you do not know where you are going, you will never get there. Becrystal clear on your goals.
5) And it takes a vehicleTo live free, you must have an excellent income. Make sure you have a business model which supports your goals. If your goal is to make $50k per month, make sure you have a business capable of producing that level of income very quickly.
6) It takes commitmentTo yourself, to your why and to your goals
7) And it takes good mentoringFind people who have accomplished what you are looking for and follow them. Stay close, observe and take on their habits and their posture.

So just go for it. Anyone can be free to work from home and create an amazing and abundant life. But you have to put all the pieces together. If you miss any of the pieces listed above, you will never completely reach your goal, you will end up settling.

Never settle, never give up and remember. If you are not on the right path now, change the course and go another path. But YOU have to do it, no one will do it for you.

Oh, and one more thing. Make sure to take direction only from those who have accomplished what you want.

To your success...

PS for a business model which provides the potential of a huge income very quickly, visit http://www.prosperitylifestyles.com

02 January 2008

Success vs Failure in a Home Based Business

Recently, I was speaking to a group of Entrepreneurs when I was once again asked; "why do so many people fail at home businesses". This is, without any doubt, the most frequent question I am asked. And, although I see the answer as very simple, I am astounded at how many people just do not "get it".

Let's look at the question at a deeper level (what are they really wanting to know). "Why do some people make tons of money easily and so many others make no money at all"?

The answer to that question is three things; desire, belief and commitment. Now, before you say to yourself, "here we go again", I want to take this deeper than just the desire, belief and commitment, but into the reasons why these three answers are so important to your own success.

Anytime someone starts a home based business, the reason behind it is usually 1 of 2 things. Either they want to make extra money or they want to have time freedom. Personally, I believe the 2nd reason is the same as the first, because in order to have lots of free time and be with your family, you must be making some money!

Anyway, I have digressed.

This is what happens. You find a business you like and you get started. You either jump right in and start marketing your business or you are in an unending "ready to get ready mode". But wait, where is your plan of success?

Did you take a serious look at what you really wanted to accomplish with your business? Did you then look at the business model to determine what it will take to get what you want from that business. Are you looking for microwave success or slow cooker success? Does this business have true potential to create a 6 figure income the first year or will it take a long time to build to that level?

What is your plan to accomplish this level of income? For example, if you are looking for just a few extra dollars and willing to put in years of time to build a highly profitable money machine, you might look at a Multi Level model. You must take into consideration how long it will take you to have what you want. Don't get me wrong, MLM is a sound business model. But, historically, it generates income at a slow cooker pace.

Another example is Direct Sales, usually this model involves higher profit margins (these can be upwards to thousands of dollars per sale) and can create substantial income much faster with a microwave potential. Decide which model you want, and then find a company with that model.

Also look at the evidence of success for the product and company. Are there people who are getting what you want? Look at the people who are living the life you want. Did they accomplish it within months, or within years?

The fact is simple, if anyone has made what you want to make in the time you want to make it, then you can too, anybody can! I can't stress this enough. I did not say "is everyone" getting what you want, because regardless of the business, many people will still fail, because of the points I am discussing here.

The key in business success is knowing that if anyone can do something, so can you. Now, back to the three reasons. Did you take a look at your level of belief in the business (do you really believe it can take you to where you want to go) and did you make a commitment to succeed at it?

Now get this; "Most people start a business, playing to not lose, instead of playing to win". The difference between these two things is the underlying desire, belief and commitment.

This is exactly why 80% of businesses fail. Regardless of the venue, home businesses or brick and mortar businesses. The owners never decided to play the business game to WIN IT!

But to play to win takes those 3 elements; desire, belief and commitment. Everyone has some idea of the things they want in life. Few however, get emotionally connected to having what they want. They go through life "wanting" and what do they get, "more wanting". The difference here, among a few others is primarily getting emotionally connected to the desire.

In order to really have something you want, you have to focus on it, give it lots of energy and lots of attention. But the emotion comes from seeing yourself already in possession of it. And the emotion is what drives the level of success. Not a negative of want, but a positive emotion of have.

So what does this have to do with the new business owner? They want to succeed (and make money) but rarely see themselves already having business success. They go through their days hoping for customers and sales, hoping for a profit and more importantly, make decisions based on hope instead of belief.

When in business, you must play to win. This means taking some chances. Look at people like Trump and Gates. Do you really think they started businesses hoping, or did they have a deep, undying belief they would be successful?

No one ever became a successful business owner or even wealthy, without taking chances. But the ability to take chances comes from belief. Belief in yourself, belief in your business, belief in your business model and your compensation plan. If there is any lack of absolute belief in any of these areas, then you are doomed.

At this point, you are unable to make good business decisions because you do not absolutely believe in your own success. Any decisions made are made out of hope, not out of belief. And, when you make decisions from hope, you are playing to "not lose".

But what about commitment? Based on desire and belief, you then take ownership of your business. You decide to do whatever it takes to have your success (with absolute integrity of course). Most people fail simply because they give up. Of course, then come the excuses.... (that business did not work, the product was bad, the company was bad, I was scammed and on and on and on....) The only reason, if you have found the right company to meet your desires (based on compensation, product and others having what you desire) is that you gave up. Period!

There are so many stories in history of people who gave up seconds before success, inches before success on so on. In most businesses, it takes only one sale to turn the tide completely. If you bail out before that one sale appears, then you are just giving up on yourself, your desires and your dreams.

And unfortunately, when you bail on one business, you are going to bail on many until you finally "get it". Just a brief point I feel I must share with you. When people are trying to lure you into their business with the "I tried xx amount of businesses before finding one that worked" routine. RUN, RUN FAST.... they are failures and will not be good leaders to guide and assist you in being a success. Do not buy into their excuses.

Determine what you want, how you are going to get it. Believe you will have it regardless. And then, make a commitment to yourself and your business.

Success is not hard, making money is not hard. But learning to deal with what is inside you can be. I will end with one of my favorite quotes, but do not know who coined this.... "Work a job and make a living, work on yourself and make a fortune"!

To your success...

ps: feel free to check out a business model with powerful compensation and many people having extraordinary levels of success at http://www.prosperitylifestyles.com/

01 January 2008

2008 in Liberty League International

Jerry and I want to say Happy New Year to everyone on our team and any other LLI'ers who participate in this website.

Yesterday, listening to our own associates, jumping out and talking about how amazing 2007 has been, moved me to a level I just can not put into words. This has truly been an amazing year in our LLI community. So many people making amazing changes in their lives. Sure, lots and lots of money was made, but the point is the changes to people and what our community has done for them.

Many of you are new, just getting started and looking forward to experiencing this same level of life changes and successes. What I want to make sure of, is that you truly get the "big picture".

Yes, we are all on equal playing field here at LLI. There is no one who has an advantage over the other. We have a simple system, powerful products, brilliant training and support and a payment plan unequal to anything else available today. But do you realize that YOU ALONE, have EVERYTHING you need to see phenomenal success here?

There are a few keys here you must grasp. It does not take much "figuring out" to make multiple 6 figures. It takes a few things:

1) Plug into the system ...

This system works, just the way it is. Do not try to re-invent anything or create anything new to do. Making money here is easy, if you let it be. It does not take a lot of work, just a lot of belief and a little work to get your business profitable quickly.

2) Listen to the leaders...

No where else do you have self made millionaires teaching you, guiding you and encouraging you to succeed. The leaders here share their hearts, their business and their knowledge with each and every one of you. Listen to what they say. To have what they have, you have to do what they have done and they will tell you exactly what that is.

3) Work on yourself

"Work a job, make a living. Work on yourself, make a fortune" I am not sure who said this, but it is so true. If you want something you have never had, then you must work on yourself in order to get it. USE YOUR BEYOND FREEDOM every day. It is the most powerful tool you have to create anything you want for yourself.

4) Believe in yourself.

This business is not about "trying" to succeed, or "working hard" or even living in the past. You alone, have everything you need inside you. Believe in your future, believe in what you want, know that you deserve to be successful, and believe in yourself.

5) And last....

Get your toe out of the water. If you came here to "see if it works" or to "try it for a while" then you are just wasting your time. Commit yourself to your own success. This system works, just as it is. Sometimes though, people do not work. Simply because they do not have faith and belief in their future. Jump in with both feet, follow the system and EXPECT success. To have what you truly want in life, there are no other options. You will never succeed by trying, only by DOING. When you "try" you are simply giving yourself an exit map, just in case you fail, which you truly will with that attitude.

This is the best gift I can give you to start out 2008. Just do it!

We will dedicate this blog to your success. You absolutely deserve it!